The Rest of River includes the area downstream of the 1 ½-Mile Reach, from the Confluence of the East and West Branches into Connecticut. EPA conducted an investigation of the Rest of River, focused on the collection of information for and preparing the Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments, and development of the numerical model of PCB fate and transport in the river.
Both of the risk assessments and three aspects of the modeling effort were subject to formal Peer Review, with the Peer Review of the Modeling Framework conducted in April 2001, the Human Health Risk Assessment in November 2003, and the Ecological Risk Assessment in January 2004, the Model Calibration Peer Review in May 2004, and the final Modeling Validation Peer Review in June 2006.
Following the completion of the risk assessments, GE prepared a Supplemental RCRA Facility Investigation Report which was approved in September 2003, and submitted an Interim Media Protection Goals proposal (approved in 2006). Following completion of EPA’s modeling study, GE prepared the Corrective Measures Study Proposal, which, with subsequent submittals, was ultimately approved in August 2007, and the Corrective Measures Study, which was submitted in March 2008.
Following its review of the Corrective Measures Study, which includes GE’s recommended alternative, and with consideration of public comment received, EPA will select the cleanup alternative (corrective measure[s]) for the Rest of River and propose the preferred alternative for public comment. After EPA finalizes the cleanup alternative following public comment, GE and/or the public can appeal EPA’s decision.
Read more about the Rest of the River